Matveeva Bella
Was born in Troitsk in Chelyabinsk region. She lives and works in St. Petersburg. She graduated from deparment of restoration of tamper and oil painting of the Leningrad art school of V.A. Serov. Professor of department of painting of New Academy of Fine Arts (St. Petersburg).
She is an author of the literary collection "Letters to Bella", a series of photos "The esthetics of a classical brothel"; together with Sergey Vikharev she produced the ballet production of "Leda and a swan".
Bella Matveeva is a legend of the St. Petersburg neoacademism, the recognized classic of the new academic style of the St. Petersburg painting, the noticeable participant of this iconic phenomenon in art of St. Petersburg the 1990th.
"New Academy of Fine Arts" (NAFA) was founded by Timur Novikov in 1989 for the purpose of preservation of a classical esthetics in modern art practice.
For a long time Bella Matveeva was the only woman in this artistic "institution" which is compared often to "Karrachchi Academy". She apprehended and realized the central ideas preached in Academy and as nobody else devoted herself to a research of esthetic category of "fine".