Геннадиев Андрей
Was born in 1947 in Leningrad, where after the graduation from the Art and Graphics pedagogical school he unsuccessfully tried to enter the Leningrad Repin’s Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture where he was refused twice because of his developed art manner which that moment did not conform to formal requirements of Selection Committee.
The historical meeting with Mikhail Shemyakin in 1966 let Gennadiyev to join the “St. Petersburg» Art Group. In 1968 the artist began his exhibition activity and 10 years later he became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In 1974 Gennadiyev was one of participants of the famous exhibition of vanguard Leningrad artists in Gaza House of Culture, and in 1976 in Nevsky House of Culture.
Many times Andrey Gennadiyev was exhibited in Russia, USA, Germany, Austria, Italy, England. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Finland. During the last eight years he held more than 20 personal exhibitions in Finland. Works by Andrey Gennadiyev are in collections of many world museums, including the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, State Art gallery in Heidelberg (Germany) and Metropolitan Museum in New York.
Andrey Gennadiyev's style is based on icon-painting traditions of Old Russian and Byzantine painting, his works are full of signs and the hidden metaphysical meanings. In his creative work the artist seeks to reflect an image of ideal sublime beauty and his way of spiritual searching. The talented theorist and the publicist, Gennadiyev wrote articles that decipher for the viewers the set of symbols embedded in his works. Original texts of the artist are published in several volumes.
Хайдельберге (Германия) и Метрополитен-музее в Нью-Йорке.