Лазовски Анна
Anna was born in Uruguay, the son of Polish immigrants. In 1962 she immigrated in Israel. She studied sculpture at School of Arts and Graphics. She has participated in numerous exhibitions in Israel, Europe and the USA.
For many years for Anna Lazovski the sculpture was a favourite outlet, professionally she was engaged in design of clothes. But her inner calling was connected to the art of sculpting and therefore in 2000 she opened the studio and completely devoted herself to favourite passion. From ceramics she passed to bronze, began to receive excellent comments and started to participate in prestigious exhibitions: The New York exhibition Artexpo, Art Miami, Art Philadelphia and several international art fairs in Spain.
Lazovski comments on the main ideas of her creativity: "My main subject is humanity. My main goal is to convey feelings through my sculptures. And, really, they express warmth, sensuality, sensitivity, joy of life, love, unity, tenderness, force and the movement … My women are big, as a rule, even exaggeratedly large, but (unlike a common model ideal), it only raise their beauty and femininity".
Anna Lazovski prefers the soft and harmonious lines reminding of her love to art of a modernist style. Its sculptures, as a rule, conceals the smooth roundabout motion, inciting to consider them from all points, watching the changes of impression.