Zverhovsky Peter
Peter Zverhovsky (1942 - 2020) was born in the village of Izobelovka Vinnitsa region.
From 1961 to 1963 Peter Zvehvrovsky studied at art - graphic faculty of the Kuban State University in Krasnodar.
Then he graduated from the Department of Monumental Painting of St. Petersburg State Artistic-Industrial Academy V.Muhinoy.
Since 1981 – Member of the Union of Russian Artists.
Since the beginning of the 1990s Peter Zverhovsky begins to exhibit.
The works of Peter Zverkhovsky are today in the collection of the Russian Museum (one of them is published in the album on p. 151 - “Red Ceramics”), in the collection of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMoMA), in the collection of the A. N. Radishchev and Volgogradsky State Museum of Saratov Museum of Fine Arts named after I.I. Mashkov. The artist’s works can be found in private collections in Germany, Holland, USA, Italy, England, France, Canada, Ukraine, Russia.
This year, he became a participant in the international exhibition-contest of contemporary art "Art Week in China", organized by the Eurasian Art Union, the World Art Fund and the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing. The works of Peter Zverkhovsky were awarded with diplomas of the 1st and 2nd degree and published in the art catalog of the exhibition. The exhibition in Moscow “70 years of Russian-Chinese friendship” also had international status. The works of P. Zverkhovsky are also published in the exhibition catalog. The artist’s works are presented today by the PAKS gallery in Vienna.