Riyabova-Belskaya Nina
Was born in Leningrad in family of the artist-sculptor Vladimir Nikolaevich Ryabov-Belsky (1929–1984).
From 1968 to 1975 she studied at High art school of B.V. Ioganson at Academy of Arts of the USSR.
In 1984 she graduated from faculty of painting (department of restoration) of the Leningrad Repin’s institute of painting, sculpture and architecture of academy of Arts of the USSR.
From 1983 to 1984 she was trained in restoration of easel painting in the workshop of the State Hermitage.
From 1984 to 1991 she taught restoration, painting, the drawing, composition and also gave a course of lectures on the technique and technology of picturesque materials in the Leningrad art school of N.K. Roerich.
Since 2003 she is a member of the St. Petersburg pastel society.
She is winner of awards of pastel communities of France and USA.
Works are in private collections in Russia, Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland, Denmark, the USA, Italy.
Nina Ryabova-Belskaya belongs to the "Poly-realism" art group which united more than ten modern artists who found the way within various manifestations of realism. Works of the artist reflect the visible world quite lifelike, there are no abstract images to meet. Executed by pastel on relief and most often to tinted paper, they draw attention with special charm and recognizable handwriting of the master.