Hans Bellmer
Hans Bellmer was born in 1902 in Poland. In 1923 he moved to Berlin and entered Higher technical school which he left two years later having moved to Paris. There happened his acquaintance with Paul Éluard, one of the founders of surrealism which helped Bellmer to join this artistic group.
Hans Bellmer's creativity was realized in two main directions: in work with a motive of deformed eriticised and ominous dolls which he photographed, and in book illustration. André Breton helped to publish the photos of dolls in the Parisian magazine "Minotaur" and they gained recognition among surrealists. Among the most known illustrations of the artist are engravings to books by de Sade, the Comte de Lautréamont, Joë Bousquet, René Crevel, Georges Bataille, Pauline Réage.
In 1959 and 1964 Hans Bellmer's works were presented at the Documenta in Kassel.