Lukka Valery
Valery Lukka was born in 1945 in Gorokhovo's village of the Yaroslavl region (USSR).
Graduated from Repin’s Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture (1977).
Member of the Artists Union of Russia, National Association of artists of Italy «ITALART», Saint-Petersburg Academy of the modern art «SPASI».
From 1978 took part in more than two hundred exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
After the graduating from Academy of Arts, three young artists: Valery Lukka, Vyacheslav Mikhaylov and Felix Volosenkov declared themselves as new creative association. Search of new means of expression was the main task of new creative union. Artists break with the academic tradition, and fully directed the scope of creativity to impressive, material painting. They did not forget however, a semantic component for their cloths, addressing to religious, literary and vital subjects.
The bright paintings of Valery Lukka are artfully provocative and in a good way hooligan. Researchers of his creativity characterized this style of painting as "conceptual expressionism". It should be noted that the artist does not share their opinion.