Hovakimyan Robert
Was born in 1966 in the city of Kapan, Armenia. From the very young years he showed an interest in painting and drawing. Since 1986 he lives and works in St. Petersburg.
From 1987 to 1989 Robert Ovakimyan was studing painting with the most famous artists of the Russian vanguard Solomon Gershov, the learner of Marc Chagall’s Vitebsk studio. From 1986 to 1989 he had training in the Leningrad Art and Industrial high school of V.I. Mukhina.
Since 1993 cooperated with Institute of Material and Art culture.
Since 2002 he joined the Creative Union of Artists of the Russian Federation (IFA).
In 2005 he was the main actor in the feature film “The Liberator of Birds. Cloud. Wind.» directed by Hungarian filmmaker Istvan Saladzjyak.
In 2006 he was awarded with a silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.
He was a participant of more than 100 exhibitions in Russia and abroad.