
Venue: Gallery of Modern Art "Art Holding Tatyana Nikitina"

Time: December 25

Year: 2018

December 25 in the gallery of modern art "Art Holding Tatyana Nikitina" will open a Christmas exhibition from the series "Angelic Meetings" - "Heavenly Country". The exhibition will present the project of the American artist Vasily Kafanov “Bird World”, as well as painting, graphics, sculpture and porcelain from the gallery's collection.

Everyone knows that angels live in heaven. Birds live there too. We humans do not see them, but we feel, we feel. Maybe it was they who told us about the angels? Immersed in the fairy tale of Vasily Kafanov, everyone can find the answer for themselves. Wander around the maze of paradise and touch the source of truth, where the birds are saturated with life-giving moisture. Stop, listen to the magic trills, let the soul be filled with happiness! And then you will hear what the angels are talking about ...

“Birds are stupid and wonderful people, colorful and loud! They fly around the world, it would seem, without order and traffic rules. I sometimes dream that I fly like a bird and feel so comfortable in a flock of swallows that fly through the clouds in the sky, or suddenly find myself in a triangle of geese flying away from the winter to warmer climes.

I write harlequins rising up on balloons, acrobats throwing each other high up in the sky. They all strive to overcome gravity, and when the time comes to return to earth, they open their parachutes. We need gravity, of course! Otherwise, we would all fly in a mess and everywhere ... I write big fish swimming in the sky and denying the theory of gravity of the earth.

My fish carries a tower on its back, maybe it is Babylonian? The tower of those times when people tried to reach God and rise as high as possible into the sky.

The birds awaken us with their polyphony in the morning, saying: "Get up, work, build a tower to reach heaven." Birds show us how to overcome gravity: they flutter and chirp, calling for action ... "Vasily Kafanov

Calendar: http://artholdingtn.ru/f/kalendar-nebesnaya_strana.pdf